Healios Autism assessment
Update on the Healios online assessment, for those families waiting for an autism assessment.
Neurodiversity Transformation Project
As part of the first stage of the Neurodiversity Transformation Project, the Integrated Care Board (ICB) created a survey in order to further understand the current experiences and journey before and after assessment for parent carers, practitioners and professionals who are supporting children and young people with neurodivergent needs. This closed on 31st December 2023.
We’re looking for two people to join our team
We are looking for two highly motivated individual who wants to join our rapidly growing organisation in the Parent Voice team as Engagement Assistant and Data Coordinator.
360° Outreach Project for Schools and Families Term 3
Our 360° Outreach project supports schools and families working together to build a picture of the “whole child” and better understand the child’s needs.
Find out about the workshops and coffee support sessions for families and staff in participating schools in Term 3.
Listening Event - Thank You
Thank you to all those who took part in our listening event. It was really a helpful event in which we heard from families at all different stages of their journey and received invaluable information which will be fed back in the Neurodiversity Transformation Project
Survey Findings. Short Breaks & Attendance
Back in September, we conducted two surveys for our community: one on Attendance in Education and the other on Short Breaks and childcare services. The results have now been published on our website.
We're Listening: Neurodiversity Pathway
The BNSSG ICB is currently undertaking a Neurodiversity Transformation project that will inform a future model to support children and young people with Neurodiverse needs. Incorporating the views and experience of children and young people, parent carers, and system partners is vital to the success of this project.
Your voices: heard - The EBSA Toolkit
The knock-on effects of Covid-19 on children and young people’s education are still a challenge that families and education settings are battling with today. One being the issue around attendance, and more specifically, children and young people with difficulty attending school due to mental health - also known as Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA).
360° Outreach Project for Schools and Families Term 2
Our 360° Outreach project supports schools and families working together to build a picture of the “whole child” and better understand the child’s needs.
Find out about the workshops and coffee support sessions for families and staff in participating schools in Term 2.
We’re looking for a SEND Peer Supporter to join our team
Are you a Parent Carer with a passion to help and support others? Do you want the opportunity to share your experience to improve the wellbeing of other Parent Carers?
We are looking for people to build trusting and supportive relationships that will provide emotional support and signposting to help Parent Carers that have children with additional needs.