
Working together to improve educational outcomes
Representing the voice of our community, South Glos Parent Carers (SGPC) are on a mission to work with you to shape great services and achieve positive change for children and young people with SEND in South Gloucestershire.
Information you can rely upon
Through our engagement work in the community, SGPC are uniquely placed to produce professional reports using qualitative and quantitative data gathered from parent carers on their lived experiences of using educational provision and services in the area.
These reports provide valuable insight into how parent carers view the services provided by the Local Authority, covering topics including:
SEN support, EHCPs and Annual Reviews
Graduated Approach
Travel Assistance
Join our associates database to access the information that we have collated, which you can use to help shape and deliver the services you provide. Get valuable survey findings mailed straight to your inbox as soon as they become available.
What we can offer
SGPC offer a range of services to associates.
sharing your information with our parent carer community
designing surveys
collating, interpreting and presenting data
producing professional reports

It has been a real privilege to have worked alongside [the] Parent Carer Forum and I have appreciated their support, challenge, energy and commitment in getting the best outcomes for children, young people, parents and carers who are part of the SEND community. In all my experience in this field they have been the best I have worked with and I know that as we update the Co-production Charter and the Inclusion & SEND Strategy in 2023 their voice, influence and leadership will be strong in every area...
Hugh Disley, Strategic Lead Inclusion & SEND, South Gloucestershire Council, Dec 2022

Get involved
Here are the ways that we can work together right now to make a difference to the SEND community:
Commission us to work on specific projects
Our connections with parent carers of children and young people with SEND make SGPC a vital asset to any project.
Sign up to our database
For access to information that can help shape the services you provide.
Last year in Education…
Meetings and projects we have been involved with include:
Strategic meetings
Cluster Board (monthly)
10-Year Education Provision Strategy (fortnightly)
Multi-agency Quality Assurance (quarterly)
Children (PEX) with Complex SEMH Needs
Data analysis of APP criteria for CQC & Ofsted inspections (6-12 months)
Best Start in Life
Education, Health and Social Care (bi-monthly meeting)
Medical Policies Working Group
Multi-agency Focus
Keyworker Project
A great example of co-production work, this project aims to provide families with the appropriate support to prevent mental health crisis
360° Outreach Project
This family-friendly service supports schools and parents in the understanding of needs as early as possible to ensure inclusion and access to learning for all children and young people. This includes coffee mornings, workshops, presentations, peer-to-peer support and information, all guided by our Peer Support Team.
For more on 360° Outreach Project > click here
Autism Needs-led Approach
Working with the BNSSG, looking at the needs of a child or young person and the importance of a diagnosis (Feb 2022)