SGPC Present at the HOSC
Our CEO Rachel Trueman attended the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) in South Gloucestershire
SEND and it’s impact
We regularly hear from families about the huge impact that SEND behaviour has on families through our support and engagement work
Launching the Neurodiversity Profiling Pilot
We have seen the launch of the six month Neurodiversity Transformation Project (NTP) profiling pilot. The pilot will train 42 schools and 8 nurseries across BNSSG (11 schools and two Early Years settings from South Glos)
July 2024 Neurodiversity Transformation Project (NTP) Update
Updates from the parent carer engagement events in July 2024 to share the latest developments.
Introducing PINS
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire will be part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short, 13 of these schools are in South Gloucestershire.
Design Conference
Using the information from last November's Discovery conference a data pack was shared with stakeholders to help support the discussions with a view to collectively create ideas to help solve the problems.
Neurodiversity Conference November 2023
Members of our Parent Voice team joined with professionals from health services, schools and social care to explore neurodiversity services in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
Neurodiversity Transformation Project
As part of the first stage of the Neurodiversity Transformation Project, the Integrated Care Board (ICB) created a survey in order to further understand the current experiences and journey before and after assessment for parent carers, practitioners and professionals who are supporting children and young people with neurodivergent needs. This closed on 31st December 2023.
Listening Event - Thank You
Thank you to all those who took part in our listening event. It was really a helpful event in which we heard from families at all different stages of their journey and received invaluable information which will be fed back in the Neurodiversity Transformation Project
We're Listening: Neurodiversity Pathway
The BNSSG ICB is currently undertaking a Neurodiversity Transformation project that will inform a future model to support children and young people with Neurodiverse needs. Incorporating the views and experience of children and young people, parent carers, and system partners is vital to the success of this project.