Support in Education 2024
We are pleased to share the much-anticipated Support in Education Survey Report, which we conducted in October 2024 to understand how SEND children are being supported in education. The survey gathered responses from 159 parent carers within our community, and this report outlines both the qualitative and quantitative feedback we received.
Key findings of the report include:
Families have reported an overall increase in knowledge of the processes by which their child’s support is reviewed.
A clear theme that appeared through the survey was that good relationships are key. Understanding and supportive teachers and SENcos were repeatedly mentioned in the comments as making all the difference.
58% of parent carers reported that the setting was meeting their child’s needs all or most of the time.
55% of families reported that their child’s needs had impacted their child’s education and often this impact was negative.
57% of parent carers said they have regular meetings with the education setting to discuss the support in place for their child