Changes to School Attendance Policy
The Department for Education (DfE) has published new guidance which will become effective across England from August 2024.
Exams and Reasonable Adjustments
This is the time to check that your child’s school has applied for those arrangements, if your child will be sitting GCSE’s, A-Levels, Key Stage 1 assessment or Key Stage 2 SATS.
National Offer Day, March 2024
We know that the school offer process may be followed by lots of questions or concerns. We have gathered some useful links and information that may be of help to you.
Listening Event - Thank You
Thank you to all those who took part in our listening event. It was really a helpful event in which we heard from families at all different stages of their journey and received invaluable information which will be fed back in the Neurodiversity Transformation Project
Survey Findings: Short Breaks 2023
We asked parent carers about their experiences with short breaks and childcare services. See the results.
Survey Findings. Attendance
Back in September, we conducted two surveys for our community: one on Attendance in Education and the other on Short Breaks and childcare services. The results have now been published on our website.
We're Listening: Neurodiversity Pathway
The BNSSG ICB is currently undertaking a Neurodiversity Transformation project that will inform a future model to support children and young people with Neurodiverse needs. Incorporating the views and experience of children and young people, parent carers, and system partners is vital to the success of this project.
Your voices: heard - The EBSA Toolkit
We spoke to Dr Helen Cox, principal educational psychologist about the Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) Toolkit and its aim of providing schools with the resources to enable earlier intervention
SEN Support in Education
For the last three years we have been comparing data for children who receive SEN Support, which is those children who do not have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This report compares those findings.
Education Survey Findings
Last October we sent the parent carers of our community a survey to complete about how their child’s needs are being met in school.
Banding (Top-Up Funding for EHCPs)
In response to posts on our closed Community Facebook group, there have been lots of questions around Banding, funding and use of 121 TAs in school.
Position Statement: Chipping Sodbury Access Centre
Families have been raising their concerns about the future of Chipping Sodbury Access Centre