SEN Support in Education

Last October, we asked our members to complete a survey detailing their child’s experiences of the support accessed in their educational settings. Participants were asked to identify how well they felt settings are meeting their child’s academic, social and emotional needs.

For the last three years we have been comparing data for children who receive SEN Support, which is those children who do not have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This report compares those findings.

Parents reported a broad range of needs / disabilities, identifying the top three needs as Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder / Attention Deficit Disorder, and Social Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) - accounting for 44% of the responses.

Around 40% of the respondents felt their child had made good progress academically, or socially and emotionally. While academic progress has remained steady, social and emotional progress has increased since 2020

However in many areas, parents reported that the situation had deteriorated since 2020.

Click here to view the full findings

The information we gain from these surveys is vital for us to be able to represent local families’ experiences when we attend strategic meetings. Your voices can help shape the services that you use everyday.

Join our community to hear about future opportunities to share your views and to see the results of our latest surveys.


Summer Holiday Activities 2023


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