Attendance in Focus
Are you concerned about your child’s attendance at school? Would you like to know more about Emotional Based School Avoidance and the South Glos Local Authority’s attendance strategy?
Changes to School Attendance Policy
The Department for Education (DfE) has published new guidance which will become effective across England from August 2024.
Survey Findings. Attendance
Back in September, we conducted two surveys for our community: one on Attendance in Education and the other on Short Breaks and childcare services. The results have now been published on our website.
Your voices: heard - The EBSA Toolkit
We spoke to Dr Helen Cox, principal educational psychologist about the Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) Toolkit and its aim of providing schools with the resources to enable earlier intervention
Sharing your Lived Experiences of EBSA
Continuing the ongoing work on Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA), today schools were presented with the latest research, evidence and the opportunity to share what is working in other areas.
Education Survey Findings
Last October we sent the parent carers of our community a survey to complete about how their child’s needs are being met in school.
SEN Support Survey 2021
The information in this report was compiled from an online survey completed by parent carers between 4th October and 8th November 2021.
SEN support stage at education settings, can you help?
October 2022
We are inviting Parent Carers of any child with SEN (no diagnosis necessary), who does not currently have an EHCP, to feedback on the support their child has been receiving at their educational setting.
180 Parent Carers Had Their Say…
July 2021
We were thrilled 180 local Parent Carers participated in this year’s area-wide Annual Survey and we want to say a great big THANK YOU to each and every one of you!
Survey Findings. Attendance 2019
The information in this report was compiled from an online survey completed by parent carers between 15 October 2019 and 25 November 2019