Local Area Inspection - Tracking Meetings
The services across South Gloucestershire are due to have a Local Area Inspection. We do not know the date for this as the inspections happen with no prior warning. We will be sharing information with you over the coming weeks about what the inspection involves.
This is the third part of our Local Area Inspection series. You can see our information here.
Other ways children and young people and their parent carers will be involved in the inspection………
The inspectors will select up to 6 children and young people with SEND to be involved in Tracking Meetings. Tracking meetings are an opportunity for inspectors to hear directly about children and young people’s experiences and outcomes.
The names of the children will be chosen completely at random based on a list of all children and young people on the SEND data base, including those on the SEN Support Register.
The six children and young people will be chosen to ensure that a broad range of experiences and needs are represented in their review.
Once the inspectors have confirmed the names of the selected children, the professionals involved with the child will need to:
Contact the child or young person and parent carer to ask for their consent to be involved in a meeting with the inspectors.
Prepare and/or upload the specific documents required by the inspectors within 2 days.
Arrange a meeting with professionals from all sectors (health, education and social care) who are working with the child.
In addition, the inspectors will carry out ‘Case Sampling.’ The purpose of the case sampling visits is for inspectors to evaluate the experiences and outcomes for children by reviewing documents and talking to practitioners directly involved in the decision-making and oversight of their support. Examples of topics that may be a subject for focused sampling are the quality of EHCP’s or use of the Dynamic Support Register.
Finally, inspectors may want to meet with a group of children and young people with SEND.
Useful Links:
Area SEND inspection explained - information for parents and carers (youtube.com)
Area SEND inspections: information about ongoing inspections - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Area SEND inspections: framework and handbook - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Area SEND inspections: South Glos Local Offer
We will keep all information that we share about the Local Area Inspection here so that you can come back to check and re-read it when it’s convenient for you.