Local Area Inspection - Tracking Meetings
The inspectors will select up to 6 children and young people with SEND to be involved in Tracking Meetings. Tracking meetings are an opportunity for inspectors to hear directly about children and young people’s experiences and outcomes.
Local Area Inspection - How to get involved
The only people able to say how SEND services are working across South Gloucestershire are those who experience it every day! When the inspection starts in South Gloucestershire, OFSTED and the CQC will want to hear your feedback, which they will use to direct their areas of enquiry with the local authority.
Local Area Inspection - what is it?
The services across South Gloucestershire are due to have a Local Area Inspection. We do not know the date for this as the inspections happen with no prior warning. We will be sharing information with you over the coming weeks about what the inspection involves, and there will be a survey that you can take part in to have your say on the local SEND services - your voice will be a crucial part of the inspection and will be used to decide what areas the inspectors look at.