Celebrating 15 Years
Supporting families since 2009
SGPC was set up in 2009 by two mums (including our CEO, Rachel Trueman) with a passion to help support other parent carers in the area and give them an opportunity to share their views and experiences. Now, in our 15th year and with a team of more than 20, we have grown significantly to help empower, support and inform our community as well as represent the collective parent carer voice in meetings with local service providers.
It's our birthday,
and it's a big one!
If you haven’t already heard, we're celebrating our 15th anniversary of supporting and representing parent carers of children and young people with SEND in South Glos.
To mark this special occasion, we’ll be holding a variety of events throughout the year to celebrate and engage with our community. Keep an eye on the news below for all the latest information about what’s happening.
Can you help us reach our target?
In this milestone year, we’re also taking the opportunity to raise funds to ensure we continue to support our community for another 15 years and beyond. We have very limited funding to provide the support that we do, and we are always seeking other sources of funding to enable us to maintain what we offer and to be able to grow and change with our community’s needs.
We’ve set ourselves an ambitious fundraising target of £15,000, to help us achieve our dream of reaching ALL families across South Glos who have a child or young person with an additional need or disability.
Can you help us reach our goal by making a donation to South Glos Parent Carers? Anything you give will help us greatly – every penny helps us to run our support groups, workshops and open our Community Base.